August 13, 2024

Finding pet projects

As my company undergoes layoffs, I’m back on the job hunt. While I’m in the field of data, I often find myself missing the hands-on experience that comes from personal projects. I realized that I’m not practicing all the skills I need.

During a recent interview, I was asked about my experience with sending reports via email—something I hadn’t done in a few years. That got me thinking: could I turn this into a pet project?

Within a day, I decided to create a script that emails my Lichess statistics using Python libraries like Berserk and Mailtrap.

I also wanted to experiment with Pydantic settings, as I plan to incorporate them into upcoming projects with Databricks Asset Bundles.

In just a few hours, I developed a solid project skeleton that I’m excited to iterate on further. You can check it out here: Lichess Mail Reporter.

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