March 20, 2023
Duplicates with delta, how can it be?
Long time without writing! On highlights: I left my job at Schwarz It in December last year, and now I’m a full-time employee at Wallbox! I’m really happy with my new job, and I’ve experienced interesting stuff. This one was just one of these strange cases where you start doubting the compiler.
Context One of my main tables represents sensor measures from our chargers with millisecond precision. The numbers are quite high, we are talking over 2 billion rows per day. So the analytic model doesn’t handle that level of granularity. The analyst created a table that will make a window of 5 minutes, select some specific sensors and write there those values as a column. To keep the data consistent they were generating fake rows between sessions, so if a value was missing a synthetic value would be put in place.
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